- Version Rocky Linux ARM 8.4_2021.06.22
- Sold by Supported Images
Starting from $0.00/hr or from $0.00/yr (up to 70% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support. Rocky Linux 8 (ARM) is a lightweight, robust operating system designed specifically for ARM architecture, ensuring high performance and security for your EC2 instances. Built on the foundation of CentOS, it offers a stable platform that is compatible with a wide range of applications and workloads. With enterprise-level support and frequent updates, users can rely on Rocky 8 for mission-critical environments. This AMI is particularly beneficial for developers and organizations looking to leverage ARM's energy efficiency alongside scalability for cloud-based services, IoT applications, and more. Easily deploy, configure, and manage your instances to optimize performance and reduce costs while taking advantage of the extensive Rocky community and resources available.