AWS Mainframe Modernization Replatform with Rocket Software

Rocket® Enterprise Suite (formerly a Micro Focus product)

Rocket® Enterprise Suite powers the replatforming pattern within AWS Mainframe Modernization service. Replatforming mainframe applications allows preserving application assets with minimal changes while modernizing the infrastructure and processes for enhancing agility and elasticity. It is a first step in mainframe modernization from where ongoing continuous modernization efforts can be launched. The typical steps in replatforming mainframe applications are

1. Analyze

The first step is to analyze the application using Rocket® Enterprise Analyzer to understand application complexity, dependencies, and the impact of moving these applications to the cloud. Rocket Enterprise Analyzer is available on-demand from the AWS Mainframe Modernization service console.

2. Develop

The develop step creates a modern development environment and CI/CD pipeline using Rocket® Enterprise Developer to enable you to maintain and modernize mainframe COBOL and PL/I applications using an Eclipse based environment for rapid development. Coupled with the application knowledge from Enterprise Analyzer, developers can understand, develop, build and test application changes. Rocket Enterprise Developer is also available on-demand from the AWS Mainframe Modernization service console.

3. Deploy

The deployment step automates the creation of tailored, high availability and elastic infrastructure using the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed runtime environment powered by Rocket® Enterprise Server, a scalable production engine meeting and often exceeding enterprise requirements for reliability, availability and serviceability.

4. Operate

Finally, with the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed runtime, you can operate business critical systems whether this is performing system maintenance, applying application updates, monitoring the health of the system, or diagnosing problems.


Reduced impact

Reduce the impact of moving your tried and trusted business applications to the cloud with minimal changes and meeting your performance, security and availability requirements. Impact is greatly reduced and time to modernize is shortened by leveraging the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed service platform which handles many aspects of the development process and provides the elastic, high availability deployment infrastructure with just a few clicks.


Continue to modernize and evolve your applications, taking advantage of cloud services more easily accessible once the application has been replatformed. Modernization projects are significantly more successful when change is made incrementally. Ongoing modernization efforts may include API enablement, microservices or containers.

Development velocity

Enable faster development with modern tools and process, allowing you to be more responsive to change. Even if your applications remain on the mainframe for production, you can use the cloud for development and test. Application definitions can be maintained as source and can be plugged in a CI/CD process to automate the deployment of changes. Once an application has been deployed and is running in the AWS Mainframe Modernization runtime it can then be easily access through your existing 3270 interfaces by using Rocket® Host Access for the Cloud.

Use cases

Infrastructure modernization for increased flexibility

One of the key values of the cloud is the ability to spin up servers as demand increases. Replatforming enables your existing applications to take advantage of the cloud’s flexibility with minimal effort and risk.

Move to a single set of tools addressing skills concerns

Once applications are moved to the cloud, your team will be able to manage and support mainframe applications in a familiar environment with a common set of modern tools.

CI/CD pipeline for applications running on a mainframe

Even for applications that remain in production on a mainframe, replatforming can help modernize the development and testing process. Your existing COBOL and PL/I applications can be developed using modern, eclipse-based development tools, tested on the cloud and deployed to your mainframe.



Demos and Videos

AWS Mainframe Modernization Micro Focus replatforming demo

Watch video »

Customer presentation from re:Invent 2022 – Nassau Financial Group

Watch video »

Technical blogs

Mainframe modernization has gone mainstream: Modernizing mainframe workloads with AWS and Rocket Software

Read blog »

Key questions and answers: The AWS Mainframe Modernization service

Read community blog »

Rocket Software and Amazon Web Services provide out-of-the-box, modern, cloud-based CI/CD pipeline for mainframe applications

Read community blog »

Case studies

Kmart Australia accelerates migration to AWS using Micro Focus solution

Read case study »

Opening up a key business application to remote and mobile users with Micro Focus host connectivity solutions delivers flexibility, security, and improved productivity

Read case study »

LABORAL Kutxa Bank’s digital transformation safeguards business continuity and achieves 80% boost in both performance and operational cost savings

Read case study »

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