
Elemental Live, Conductor Live, and Statmux Documentation

User guide, API reference, release notes, configuration guide, installation guide, and other documentation for AWS Elemental Live, Conductor Live, and Statmux.


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Appliance Specifications


AWS Elemental Live Foundations

This training provides an overview of the fundamental functions of AWS Elemental Live, an on-premises appliance used for broadcast television and for streaming to internet-connected devices. The course focuses on key operational aspects of streaming to internet-connected devices. It includes a tour of the key elements of the user interface and a demonstration of the steps to create a simple live event. It also outlines the basic steps to monitor and maintain the system as well as troubleshooting common system issues.

AWS Elemental Live Advanced

This training covers some of the advanced features and functions of AWS Elemental Live, focusing on key operational aspects of a live video event. Building on the foundational knowledge from AWS Elemental Live Foundations, it provides an explanation of key terms and concepts and a video demonstration of the user interface (UI) configuration, where applicable. These advanced skills provide you with additional options and configuration details to enable more complex video use cases, including adding language tracks and captions, enabling monetization workflows, and understanding digital rights management.

AWS Elemental Conductor

This training provides an overview of the key functions of AWS Elemental Conductor, focusing on the configuration and running of live events across multiple AWS Elemental Live encoders and the modeling of an AWS Elemental Live workflow. It includes a tour of the key elements of the user interface and a demonstration of the steps to create a simple live event, called a channel in Conductor. It also outlines the basic steps to monitor and maintain the system as well as troubleshooting common system issues.

AWS Elemental Statmux

This course provides an overview of the features and functions of AWS Elemental Statmux, a technology used to efficiently combine (or multiplex) multiple encoded video channels (or programs) into a single Multi-Program Transport Stream (MPTS) for delivery over fixed bandwidth infrastructures such as satellite, cable, and terrestrial networks.

White Papers

Uncompressed Media Over IP on AWS

This white paper offers guidance for broadcasters and media organizations transitioning to IP, and demystifies common misconceptions with the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) 2110 standards and associated IP technologies. It explains why organizations transition from Serial Digital Interface (SDI) to IP workflows and covers important topics related to workflow design, synchronization, clocking, and uncompressed contribution using AWS Elemental Live.

AWS Elemental Support

The AWS Elemental Support team has a variety of resources to help keep your video workflows running smoothly. You can choose from publicly-available resources to help get you started, or select a paid plan for additional technical support.

To learn more, please visit AWS Elemental Support.

The AWS Elemental Support Center User Guide is your step-by-step guide for navigating and using the AWS Elemental Support Center. In the AWS Elemental Support Center you can:

  • View, manage, and open support cases
  • Read knowledge base articles
  • Download software and view details of purchased and licensable products including activation keys, serial numbers, service plan dates, and enabled option packs

An AWS Account and an AWS Elemental service plan are required to access the support center. To request access, please contact us using this form.


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