AWS App Runner is a fully-managed AWS compute service that makes it easy for developers to quickly deploy web applications and APIs, at scale and with no prior infrastructure experience required.
You can use this course to gain basic proficiency with AWS App Runner, or supplement your existing experience. This course includes learning modules, a hands-on lab, and a skills assessment. A passing score of 80% of more earns you a digital badge you can share on social media, issued by Credly.

What you will accomplish
In this course, you will:
- Gain an overview of Containers and Serverless Compute on AWS
- Know the criteria for choosing a container Compute service
- Understand the benefits and use cases for AWS App Runner
- Learn the fundamental concepts of AWS App Runner
- Know how to create, manage, and delete AWS App Runner services
- Be able to integrate an AWS App Runner service with other AWS services
Before starting this tutorial, you will need:
- An AWS account: If you don't already have an account, follow the Setting Up Your Environment getting started guide for a quick overview.
AWS Experience
Beginner or Intermediate
.NET Experience
Time to Complete
3 hours
Cost to Complete
The lab for this tutorial will cost approximately $5 in AWS charges, if all lab steps are performed and resources are promptly terminated. Failure to terminate AWS resources may result in accruing charges.
Services Used
AWS App Runner, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon VPC
Last updated
Oct 17, 2022
This tutorial is divided into the following modules. You may go through the modules fully, or skim and review, based on your experience and readiness.
- Containers and Serverless Compute on AWS (30 minutes).
- AWS App Runner Fundamentals (60 minutes)
- Hands-on Lab: .NET Web API on AWS App Runner (90 minutes)
- Skills Assessment (16 questions, not timed): Assess your AWS App Runner skills.