Getting started with Amazon Detective

How to start using Amazon Detective in 3 steps


Log in and enable Amazon Detective

Go to the AWS Management Console and select Amazon Detective. Open the Detective console, choose 'Get Started' to begin your 30-day free trial.


Detective automatically distills and organizes data

Amazon Detective organizes data into a graph model. The graph model is continuously updated as new data becomes available.


Start investigating potential security issues

During the free trial period, Amazon Detective is offered at no cost. You can experience Amazon Detective and begin investigating for potential security issues. Start your free trial of Amazon Detective.


Simplify setup of Amazon Detective with AWS Organizations
by Karthik Ram and Ross Warren, 12/20/2021

Analyze and understand IAM role usage with Amazon Detective
by Sheldon Sides and Gagan Prakash, 02/23/2021

Investigate VPC flow with Amazon Detective
by Ross Warren and Jim Miller, 11/16/2020

Webinars & videos

Amazon Detective Overview and Demonstration (17:56)
Deploying Amazon Detective with AWS Organizations Demo (7:03)
Amazon Detective Security Investigation Scenario (7:45)
AWS launchpad at AWS re:Invent 2019 (18:08)
Amazon Detective launch session at AWS re:Invent 2019 (49:29)
Introducing Amazon Detective - AWS Online Tech Talks (51:37)