AWS Open Source Blog
AWS CDK is splitting Construct Library and CLI
AWS CDK is an open source software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. It consists of two primary components: the Construct Library that you use in a programming language to model your AWS application, and a CLI. The Construct Library “synthesizes” a model of your application to […]
Shaping the future of CDK together
When AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) was announced in 2019, the project introduced a new stage in the evolution of infrastructure as code (IaC), and changed the way customers build on AWS. For those less familiar, CDK is an open source software development framework enabling builders to model and provision their cloud application resources using […]
Verify the Safety of the Rust Standard Library
Rust is one of the fastest growing languages around the world. The Rust community has grown into millions of developers, with more products and services relying on Rust. The ergonomics and strong compiler guarantees make Rust an ideal choice for developers. With this growth though, the Rust community has also recognized the unsafety of Rust […]
OCSF Joins the Linux Foundation: Accelerating the Standardization of Cybersecurity Data
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the need for efficient, standardized ways to manage and analyze security data has never been more critical. Today, we are announcing a significant milestone in our industry’s journey towards this goal: the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) is joining the Linux Foundation. AWS is a founding member and active […]
Introducing kro: Kube Resource Orchestrator
Today, we’re excited to release Kube Resource Orchestrator (kro), a new experimental open source project that simplifies and empowers the use of custom APIs and resources with Kubernetes. With kro, you can define complex, multi-resource API extensions for reuse in any Kubernetes cluster. Defining new resource groups with kro is like creating your own custom […]
Enhancing Developer Productivity: Finch’s Support for Development Containers and the Finch Daemon
In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, containerization has become an essential tool for building and deploying applications. With all the necessary tools and dependencies encapsulated in a container, developers can effortlessly set up and replicate development environments on various machines. The key steps involved in building and running containers typically include: Building container images using […]
Announcing Finch on Linux for Container Development
With the addition of Linux support, Finch now provides a consistent container development experience across all major operating systems, making it easier for developers to run familiar Finch commands to build, run, and publish their containers.
AWS Welcomes the OpenSearch Software Foundation
The OpenSearch project is moving to The Linux Foundation to become the OpenSearch Software Foundation.
Expedite Production Ready Distributed Application Development with Dapr on AWS
Learn how to use open source Dapr on AWS for service invocation, pub/sub communication, workflow, and state management.
Achieving Zero Trust Security on Amazon EKS with Istio
This is the fourth blog post of our “Istio on EKS” series. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Istio, a powerful service mesh, enables organizations to implement a zero trust security model on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). We will start by understanding how Istio implements peer authentication between microservices by Mutual Transport […]